Unsere Partner:innen
Wir pflegen ein persönliches und freundschaftliches Verhältnis zu unseren Produzent:innen in Indien und Sri Lanka. Auch das gehört für uns bei MELA zu einer nachhaltigen Produktion. Nur gemeinsam mit unseren Partner:innen vor Ort, die unsere Werte und Visionen für eine nachhaltigere Textilindustrie teilen, können wir einen ganzheitlichen Wandel herbeiführen.
Alleine kommt man nicht weit. Für das gemeinsame Ziel einer nachhaltigen Textilindustrie braucht es starke Partner:innen und die Bereitschaft, Verantwortung zu übernehmen.

For example, with our textile producer Ecolifestyles, which was the first sewing company in the world to be certified according to the Fairtrade textile standard. We are in close contact with all of our producers, which includes regular visits to the production sites . We have decided to keep as much added value as possible in the country of origin of the raw materials . From the cultivation of the organic cotton to the finished textile, all production steps take place in India or Sri Lanka. This means that we have particularly short transport routes and can produce under the best ecological and social conditions.

You won't get far alone. The common goal of a sustainable textile industry requires strong partners and the willingness to take responsibility. That's why MELA:

To support the development of the organic rubber sector in Sri Lanka, MELA has entered into a development partnership with GIZ , which we are implementing on behalf of the BMZ through the develoPPP program. The goals of the project are to support the plantations in converting to organic farming , to enable the rubber tappers to set up their own organic vegetable gardens and to ensure that the rubber is processed in compliance with the highest social and ecological standards . As a result, the soles of our sneakers became the first in the world to be manufactured according to the Global Organic Latex Standard.

pilot and license partner of the Green Button
We supported the development of the state textile seal with our expertise and are involved in its continuous further development.
Green Button
trading partner and supplier of the World Shop umbrella organization
World shops have been important players and guarantors of fair trade for decades. Since the company was founded, we have found reliable partners in the world shops.